Student Life

Dean of Undergraduate Students Policy Library
Read more about Dean of Undergraduate Students Policy Library
Princeton University is a community governed by a set of standards intended to enhance the educational and residential experience of students. Accordingly, the policy library for the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students incorporates policies from different offices across Princeton University that ultimately affect undergraduate students, as well as faculty and administrators who interact with these students. This library includes Rights, Rules, Responsibilities, which contains policies that articulate both the value we place on individual rights, freedoms and identities as well as our commitment to teaching and learning. Also contained within this policy library, among other policies, is the University's Nondiscrimation/Anti-Harassment Policy, those policies involving academic integrity, residential living, student activities and governance, financial matters concerning student organizations, and the University's Alcohol Policy.
Graduate School Policy Library
Read more about Graduate School Policy Library
Current and prospective students, faculty, staff and alumni will find here, among other available resources, essential policies and procedures. The types of policies you may find in this policy library include policies related to admission, academics, graduate financial support, and policies concerning graduate student organizations. If you don’t find the information you need, please feel free to contact any member of the Graduate School staff.
Housing and Real Estate Services Policy Library
Read more about Housing and Real Estate Services Policy Library
University housing is central to Princeton’s goal of creating a community of scholars. The privilege of University housing is extended to eligible students who wish to reside within that community. All individuals choosing to live in University housing do so with the understanding that they must abide by all applicable policies. They also agree to avoid any actions that may inconvenience other community members, cause damage to University facilities or result in disruption to the community at large. For more information concerning policies of interest, including those relating to undergraduate housing policies, graduate apartment housing policies, and Graduate College Annex housing policies, please consult this Housing and Real Estate Services policy library.
Rights, Rules, Responsibilities
Read more about Rights, Rules, Responsibilities
Rights, Rules, Responsibilities is intended to provide a concise reference and guide for all members of the Princeton University community. Included here are brief statements of University policies most likely to be applicable to and of interest to all University constituencies. For further information on particular aspects of policies and procedures — or their application to particular situations — consult Section 2 "Students and the University" (orange pages) or the policy manuals available from the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and the Office of Human Resources.
If you have a new or updated policy, or to provide feedback about this website, please notify the Institutional Compliance Program: [email protected]