Faculty & Academic Professionals

Dean of the Faculty Policy Library

Responsible Office(s): Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Read more about Dean of the Faculty Policy Library
On this site, you will find links to the policy and procedure documents produced by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty in support of the faculty and academic professionals that are administered through this office.  As a rule, the most current versions of these documents are available on the Office of the Dean of the Faculty's website and may more recently revised than the hard-cover publish date indicated.

Rights, Rules, Responsibilities

Read more about Rights, Rules, Responsibilities

Rights, Rules, Responsibilities is intended to provide a concise reference and guide for all members of the Princeton University community. Included here are brief statements of University policies most likely to be applicable to and of interest to all University constituencies. For further information on particular aspects of policies and procedures — or their application to particular situations — consult Section 2 "Students and the University" (orange pages) or the policy manuals available from the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and the Office of Human Resources.

If you have a new or updated policy, or to provide feedback about this website, please notify the Institutional Compliance Program: [email protected]